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Weight Loss Tips

Staying Motivated In Quarantine

Over the past two months, we’ve all experienced plenty of hardships and difficulties as our routines and daily lives have been turned upside down. When it comes to weight loss, one of the most difficult challenges during this time is staying on track due to lack of motivation, or losing our ‘why’. It could be due to the fact that we no longer have social interactions to think about. No vacations to look forward to. For many of us, no colleagues to encounter at work. We also often turn to food as a source of comfort during stressful times. We’re all human, and it’s natural – but that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to get back on track! Here are a few tips to help you rediscover your WHY:


Change up your routine

This applies not only to daily tasks, but what we eat as well! Things can get pretty monotonous when stuck at home AND following a meal plan. Why not try choosing eggs for your evening protein, a way to have “breakfast for dinner”? (This is something I remember fondly that my family would do as a special treat when we were kids.)  Try a few new healthy recipes (there are plenty on our blog and your EWYN Health Coaches are a great source for more!) When it comes to exercise, change up your cardio routine – instead of walking the same route every day, try an at-home Zumba class or drive to a nature trail to keep things interesting. Read our blog about changing up your outdoor exercise routine for more fun and tips!


List your goals

Being confined in one place can make one day seem to stretch into the next. In turn, that can make it hard to keep your eyes on the prize, and easy to fall down rabbit holes.

To stay on track, make a clear list of what you need to accomplish each day (30 minutes of cardio, meal prep for the next day) and consider adding some longer-term goals you haven’t addressed yet (get your cardio up to 40 minutes in length, squat a certain weight by the end of summer, etc.) Reminding yourself of your goals and adding a couple new ones can boost your momentum and amplify your motivation.


Count your achievements

Whenever you start feeling demoralized, it’s time to stop and give yourself pat yourself on the back. Start with the fact that your stay-at-home regimen is helping to keep COVID-19 from spreading – a real contribution to the greater good that deserves to be applauded!

Next, take time to consider your personal achievements. Think about everything you’ve managed to accomplish despite current restrictions: It’s likely much more than you think. Make a list of everything you’ve achieved in the past year, every pound lost, every minute of exercise put in, and take a moment to appreciate what it took to accomplish each. This applies not only to weight loss, but to things like relationships, finances, education, and skill building.

Not only will this remind you what you’re capable of, it should also make you feel good enough to re-spark your motivation. Make this practice a habit, and you’ll be ready to build on your successes, get closer to your goal, and show off the New You once the world returns to business-as-somewhat-usual.


Stay in touch with your support network

Some of the best results are achieved when you have a team in your corner – it’s just a little more difficult when that has to happen via texts or phone calls. In fact, losing regular contact with close friends or family outside your home can be one of the most difficult aspects of isolation, since you can’t just stop by for a chat or get together for a healthy meal.

That makes right now the perfect time to put extra effort into reaching out to your loved ones. Stay in touch socially, both to boost morale and encourage mental health. Hearing their encouragement and even stopping by for a ‘front yard’ visit from a safe distance where they can see your results for themselves will go a long way in keeping you motivated and feeling great about your achievements.